Sunday, November 13, 2005

Iraq Hits Home

My son, Shaun is in Balad, Iraq. He has been there about two weeks now. Shaun is lucky in that he will only be in Iraq for a couple of months and then gets to come home. I still worry about him and the others who are with him. Here is information about the base in Balad.

He is living in a tent and says if he goes outside the tent he is in full gear - helmet, bullet proof vest, etc. Most of his time is spent waiting for an event to happen. That's when his group goes into action. They maintain the aircraft that do search and rescue operations.

Shaun is in the Air Force and stationed at Moody AFB in Valdosta, Georgia. Pray that all our sons and daughters come home safely. Their lives are too valuable to waste.

Sharon Cawood
Business Developer & Community Relations Professional
Knoxville, Tennessee


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