Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Why do I need a resume? Just gimme a job

Who needs a resume? Just about everyone who is job searching. Even if you're in high school and want a job bagging groceries. Write a resume and take it with you when you go to fill out an application. Staple your resume to your application. Your resume will let the employer know you are serious about getting a job and they will also be able to see your writing skills. This could be helpful, when you decide you want a promotion.

What's the purpose of a resume? If used properly, a resume is a marketing tool that should help you get intervews. A resume won't get you a job, but a good resume may get you an interview. Your resume should give an employer an idea of what type of position you're seeking and why you're qualified for that position.

What do I put on my resume? First of all, decide what type of job you want. Then put things on your resume to show how you're qualified for that position. Show, by examples, how you have the skills and talents to do the job. Write your own resume. You can get help, but use your own words. In the end, an employer will be able to tell if someone else wrote your resume for you. Be yourself and learn to market yourself.

Career Management Guide
Resume Information

Sharon Cawood
Business Development & Community Relations Professional


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